
B-1 Ch-1 Cold War - Revision Notes

  CBSE Class 12 Political Science Revision Notes Chapter-1 The Cold War Era Cuban Missile Crisis made the whole world suspecious by creating clashes between the two superpowers, the US and the USSR namely Cold War. Cold War referred to competitions, tensions and series of confrontations between the super powers. The end of Second World War, was also the beginning of the Cold War. The worldwar ended when the US dropped atomic bombs on Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945 to stop the Soviet Union from making military and political gains in Asia. Both the powers became reluctant to initiate war to protect world from large scale destruction as they were aware that no political gains would justify the distruction of their societies. The greed of expansion of their spheres of influence divided the world into alliances. The US built western alliances which formalised into three organisations namely North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), South East Asian Treaty Orga...

B-1 Ch-1 Cold War - Solutions

  CBSE Class 12 Political Science ( Contemporary World Politics ) NCERT Solutions Chapter-1 The Cold War Era Q1. Which among the following statements about the Cold War is wrong? It was a competition between the US and Soviet Union and their respective allies. It was an ideological war between the superpowers. It triggered off an arms race. The US and USSR were engaged in direct wars. Ans.  (d) The US and USSR were engaged in direct wars. Q2. Which among the following statements does not reflect the objectives of NAM? Enabling newly decolonised countries to pursue independent policies. No to joining any military alliances. Following a policy of neutrality on global issues. Focus on the elimination of global economic inequalities. Ans.  (c) Following a policy of neutrality on global issues. Q3. Mark correct or wrong against each of the following statement that describes the features of military alliances formed by the superpowers. Member countries of the alliance are to pr...

B-1 Ch-1 Cold War - Test Papers

  CBSE Test Paper 01 Class 12 - Political Science (B-1 Ch-1 The Cold War Era) Which conference was held in 1972 by the United Nations? United Nations conference on trade and development United Nations conference on investment United Nations conference on education United Nations conference on trade and defence When and why did India sign the twenty-years ‘Treaty of Peace and Friendship’ with the Soviet Union? When and where the first NAM Summit was held? Why was the NATO also called Western Alliance? Which ideologies were represented by the Western alliance and the Eastern alliance respectively? Mention the methods of ‘Shock Therapy’ amongst the former Second World countries. Write a note on tension and conflicts that occurred in Russia. What was the Cuban Missile Crisis? Mention any four realities that have changed the world politics after the Cold War. Name any two founders of Non-aligned Movement. The first NAM summit was the culmination of which three factors? Study the passage...

B-1 Ch-2 The End of Bipolarity - Revision Notes

  CBSE Class 12 Political Science Revision Notes Chapter-2 The End of Bipolarity The Socialist Revolution in Russia in 1917 gave birth to USSR with inspiration of socialism, based on following principles:- To ansure a minimum standard of living for all its citizens  The government subsidised basic necessities  Productive assets were owned and controlled by the state. Russia was the only republic among fifteen republics who dominates everything and  people from other regions felt neglected and often suppressed. Soviet Union lagged behind the west in  technology ,  infrastructure  and  could not fulfil political aspirations of people . The Soviet system, however, became very bureaucratic and authoritarian, making life very difficult for its citizens. Lack of democracy and the absence of freedom of speech stifled people who often expressed their dissent in jokes and cartoons. Most of the institutions ...

B-1 Ch-2 The End of Bipolarity - Solutions

  CBSE Class 12 Political Science ( Contemporary World Politics ) NCERT Solutions Chapter-2 The End of Bipolarity Q1. Which among the following statements that describe the nature of the Soviet economy is wrong? Socialism was the dominant ideology. State ownership/control existed over the factors of production. People enjoyed economic freedom. Every aspect of the economy was planned and contained by the state. Ans.  People enjoyed economic freedom (option: c). Q2. Arrange the following in chronological order: Soviet invasion of Afghanistan Fall of the Berlin Wall Disintegration of Soviet Union Russian Revolution Ans.  The chronological order is as below: Russian Revolution (1917) - option: d Soviet invasion of Afghanistan (1979) - option: a Fall of the Berlin Wall (Nov 1989) - option: b Disintegration of Soviet Union (25 December 1991) - option: c Q3. Which among the following is not an outcome of the disintegration of the USSR? End of the ideological war between the...

B-1 Ch-2 The End of Bipolarity - Test Papers

  CBSE Test Paper 01 Class 12 - Political Science (B-1 Ch-2 The End of Bipolarity) Name the prime minister of the USSR who invited India and Pakistan in 1966 in Tashkent. Lenin Kosizin Mikhail Gorbachev Breznov Mention the name of the Eastern alliance led by the Soviet Union. Highlight features of the old system of social welfare that got destroyed due to shock therapy. Which two republics of the USSR have had violent secessionist movements at the time of its disintegration? Discuss the economic relationship between India and the Soviet Union during the Cold War era. Highlights the main political developments in Czechoslovakia of Eastern Europe. In which region was the nationalist dissatisfaction with the Soviet Union strongest and why? List any two differences between the socialism and communism. Describe any four consequences of the disintegration of Soviet Union. Carefully look at and study the political map of the Commonwealth Independent States, 1997. Answer all the questions ...